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Practical Tips for Visitors to Venice

A Lido car ferry and vaporetto in St. Mark's Basin

ABOVE: A vintage photo of a car ferry and a vaporetto in St. Mark's Basin.

Before you plan your trip, buy a guidebook, or head for the airport, read these information-packed features from our "Getting ready for Venice" series.

Planning your trip
When to come, how long to stay, the most convenient ways to reach the city, and which guidebooks are indispensable.

Where to sleep in Venice
Doze like a doge in a palatial hotel, or huddle with the hoi polloi in a dormitory. It's up to you--and your pocketbook.

Arriving in Venice
Tips on reaching the city center from Marco Polo airport, the railroad station, and mainland highways.

The best tourist maps
Illustrated reviews of a detailed city map, an indexed street atlas, a handy pocket map, and two regional maps for motorists and boating buffs.

Local transportation
When you hail a taxi, don't step off the curb--and if you chase after a departing bus, make sure you're wearing a lifejacket.

Dining in the Veneto
Venice and nearby towns dish up meals for every taste and budget, with entr�es ranging from baccal� to pizza.

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