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La Bella Vita Barge Cruise Photos

From: La Bella Vita Barge Cruise Review

Day 5: Ferrara to San Leone Lock

LA BELLA VITA at Zelo, Italy

From Ferrara, Paola drove our minibus to the village of Zelo, where La Bella Vita was just arriving from our previous night's mooring in Bosaro.

LA BELLA VITA docking at Zelo

The barge docked at a wooden pier on the edge of town.

We spent the afternoon cruising on the Canal Bianco, going through locks, and passing under the occasional low bridge:

Lock on Canal Bianco

Entering lock on Canal Bianco

Captain Rudy Toninato on LA BELLA VITA

Sign on Canal Bianco

Sheep on Canal Bianco, Po River Valley 

On shore, we could see signs and sheep.

Fishermen on Canal Bianco near Conca San Leone

As we approached our mooring, we saw fishermen and a towboat with barges. (We later learned that the towboat had been waiting for days to go from the Canal Bianco to the flooded Po River.) 

Paola Salvato on pier at Conca di San Leone

Paola, who had driven the van from Zelo, was waiting on the pier. 

Claudia Di Gaspari, Paola Salvato, and LA BELLA VITA

Map with Governolo and San Leone Locks

Paola was greeted by one of our hostesses, Claudia di Gaspari, as we tied up next to the Conca di San Leone (shown near top of map.) 

LA BELLA VITA at Conca di San Leone 

A photo op beckoned, so we went ashore and walked along the water until we had a good view of La Bella Vita and the San Leone Lock. 

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In this day-by-day photo diary:
Day 1 - Embarkation and Venice
Day 2 - Venice, Alberoni
Day 3 - Chioggia, Ca' Zen
Day 4 - Adria, Bagnoli Estate
Day 5 - Ferrara
Day 6 - Mantua
Day 7 - Disembarkation

Also see:
La Bella Vita cruise review (8 pages)
Satellite map of cruising region and high points
Venice for Visitors